My Little Glimpses of Heaven

Friday, September 16, 2011

Will Someone PLEASE Take Me To A Hat Store?

     Yes, I think I need a new hat.  I was thinking about it the other day.  I, like many of the wives and mothers that I know, have to constantly wear a wide variety of hats.  The problem is, I think that I may need to replace a few.  My maid hat got dirty when all of my laundry got piled on top of it.  My chef hat fell off - probably when I was leaning out of my car window to order fast food.  My organization hat got lost in all of the paperwork that I've been needing to file for the past six months, and I completely forgot to order my household manager hat altogether.
     My wife hat and mother hat are both beautiful and quite prized possessions of mine, but I sometimes have a hard time balancing them both on my head.  I haven't quite figured out the knack of giving each the proper amount of attention so that both of the hats sit perfectly where they are supposed to and are content in their spots on my head.
     My friend and confidant hat sometimes gets buried when I am trying to balance the above mentioned hats.  The patience hat that I should wear all of the time, even for total strangers, sometimes seems to turn into ashes when my irritation flames up (particularly when I am trying to drive in traffic, which usually coincides with the baby screaming to be let out of his car seat).
     I lost my thinking cap a long time ago.  I think it got buried somewhere between lack of sleep and the hormonal changes that came with pregnancy.  (The epidural and pain killers that I got during labor - you know, the ones I was SO determined not to get while I was planning said labor -  probably contributed to the loss of some brian cells as well.)
     So, you see, I need to get a new hat.  One that has a giant "S" on top.  This one I should be able to put on after I duck into a phone booth after hearing calls of distress.  I'm not sure how much it would cost, but it seems that it would be worth every penny it I could just save up enough to buy it.
      On second thought, maybe I should just keep all of the others.  Maybe - if I play my cards right, say my prayers, offer everything up, and just keep on keepin' on - maybe I can just trade them all in for a halo one day.  Hmm - maybe that's what God had in mind when He gave me all of those hats to wear to begin with.  Now THAT would be a great thought.  Well, it would be a great thought if I could just find that darn thinking cap.....