My Little Glimpses of Heaven

My Glimpses of Heaven

I started tracking my glimpses of Heaven awhile back, and I thought it would be nice to repost them here and update as I notice more. I am going to put the most recent on the top as I add my new glimpses.

Glimpse of Heaven: I was reading the computer screen while holding the baby, and he bent over so that he could get in my line of sight and grin at me. :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: the weekend peeking around the corner after a long and stressful week! :-) Also, kids that help their stressed mama!

Glimpses of Heaven: Counting "Mama" as the baby's first word, and an older son who did the right thing when he needed to. :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: listening to my baby say, "Ah-ma, mama" all day as he is playing. I am so on the verge of counting it as a first word!

Glimpses of Heaven: saintly priests, wonderful friends, sweet husbands, silly kids, and cute babies (stealing my attention by trying to eat my computer screen - haha).  :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: staying up WAY too late to see the early hours of a solemnity during Lent and drinking a glass of chocolate milk! :-)

What a beginning to our week! Poor child got sick, and yes, I spent the morning cleaning it up. Glimpse of Heaven? Hmm - a DOOZIE of a Lenten sacrifice, and laughing remembering that scene from Daddy Daycare - the one where the little boy "missed.". :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: AMAZING spring break road trip with so many fun memories!!!! :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: celebrating 7 months of pure joy and pure love with our sweet little baby and his sweet big brother and sister!

Glimpse of Heaven: unexpected phone calls from best friends that you don't get to talk to very often! :-)

Major glimpse of Heaven: riding horses on a Sunday afternoon! :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: Baby was quietly playing with his toys on the floor. I came down to his level and said hi. He looked over and gave the sweetest smile and reached out to touch my face before going back to playing. :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: absolutely BEAUTIFUL day outside!!! :-)

Now for the glimpse of Heaven: two sweet kiddos who cleaned the whole kitchen and living room while I was nursing the baby! :-). They even shined my sink!!!

Missing the husband who has been working like crazy! Glimpse of Heaven: Sweet husband with chivalrous spirit who takes care of us!!!

Happy Feast of St. Valentine!!! :-) ♥. I have a feeling there's going to be lots of glimpses of Heaven with all of this love in the air! :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: Happy Saturday spent with sweet husband! :-)

Yucky migraine since last night - glimpse of Purgatory? (haha!)
Sweet 10 and 11 year old kiddos taking care of me and helping me out - glimpse of Heaven!!! :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: 6 months old who pulled himself over to where I was lying on the floor so he could give me extremely wet kisses! :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: the biggest, sweetest baby smile accompanied by a squeal of delight when I walked in the door after grocery shopping. :-)

Glimpse of Heaven: sudden and unexpected hugs from 11 year old who is still sweet despite getting too old to cuddle as much anymore... :-)

Glimpses of Heaven: sweet big brother and big sister, snowball fights, and baby hat hair. :-)

Glimpse of Heaven - the beauty of freshly fallen snow!

Today's glimpse of Heaven: absolutely gorgeous weather!!! No jackets needed! Also, baby belly laughs. :-)

My glimpse at Heaven today: sweet, sleepy baby smiles first thing in the morning. :-)

Despite being in a dark world, God always sends us rays of light and glimpses of Heaven. Mine that I see everyday are my sweet children and my amazingly strong husband. I also get to glimpse Heaven when I get to be surrounded by angels adoring our Lord at Mass. Where do you see your glimpses of Heaven?