My Little Glimpses of Heaven

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Tiny Update

No, I haven't forgotten about my blog.... A broken computer charger and a silly cutie (pictured above) that thinks his mama should alternate between nursing him and holding him all day have seriously hampered my blogging abilities. :-). Somehow trying to type an entire blog post from my phone (yes, an iPhone, but a phone nonetheless) seems too much for me to tackle - especially in my sleep deprived, zombie-like state. I may have to get over my exclusiveness in my mentality with my preference of computers and break down and use my husband's computer until my new charger comes in. For now, I am going to steal my bit of down time/ chocolate milk time and relax instead of trying to reprogram my Macintosh brain back into a Windows brain. Blogging will just have to wait until my kids are finished with their finals, my house is brought to a livable state again, my husband feels adequately supported, and my laundry is a small hill rather than a climbable mountain. In the mean time, this sleep deprived processor that I used to call a brain is working (slowly, but still working) and coming up with new ideas for posts in the future... God bless!!!

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