My Little Glimpses of Heaven

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Does My Baby Think We Are Praying to Him?

     I had this thought the other day.  When we all sit down at the table getting ready to eat, we always pray first.  Lately, we make the Sign of the Cross, fold our hands, and then all turn and face the baby - every single one of us.  Of course we are doing this so that he can learn to fold his hands and pray as well, but after seeing that cute little smile the thought came to me that he thinks we are praying to him!  Yikes!! 
     What in the world are we going to do about this?  I am suddently getting images of that little plankton from Spnge Bob running through my head.  Do you know the one?  That plankton that is always trying to steal the hamburger recipe so that he can control the public and rule the world.  He's always proclaiming that he is going to rule the world in a loud voice and then there is an added lightning strike to contribute to the drama (or something similar).  Yes, that plankton.  Is my son going to be plotting world domination before his third birthday?
     When I think about it, he pretty much rules the house.  Of course there are things he is not allowed to do and places he is not allowed to go, but I'm not sure that he realizes this fact.  His older brother and sister have their rooms and their toys that they don't have to share, but they keep their doors closed and the toys they don't want to share in their rooms behind those closed doors.  The baby is none the wiser of what he doesn't get to play with.  When he isn't allowed to have something, we take it away but then always distract him and give him something he can have instead.  Our whole household centers around him - sleeping patterns, eating patterns, how we arrange the furniture and even plan our days.  He is constantly the center of attention.  He simply has to pull up on his little walker wagon and push it across the living room floor and he will recieve a round of applause.  Everything he says to us we repeat back to him and encourage.  Imagine the power of getting two grown adults and an older brother and sister to say the same thing at the same time - all simply by saying a word once.  If he points that cute little chubby finger, he instantly has four people running to get what he is pointing to.
     The thing is, he is just so darn cute!  Those big blue eyes can make you melt with just a glance.  His sweet little smile could change the hardest heart!  He really is such a sweetheart - giving kisses and precious smiles all of the time.  When he looks at you and says your name (or what he calls you) it has an immediate effect - you feel like a million dollars!  He is a very happy baby and such a joy to be around.  You can't help but smile when you are in his presence.
     Maybe that is just it.  He is happy and confident because he knows he is loved.  This really is the only time in his little life that is relatively free from major suffering - he hasn't had to realize that life is hard yet.  Maybe God set it up that way on purpose.  After he hits the harder times in life, he will be able to look back and know those feelings of security and love and confidence.  This time for him is his little glimpse of what awaits him in Heaven one day, and memories of this will get him through the hard times of life and keep him striving towards the ulitmate goal - happiness in Heaven.  God is giving us the graces to have patience so that He can work through us and allow our baby to feel His love for him through us. 
     Ok, so I am happy with that!  However, I need to find a way to show him balance.  Along with the security, he also needs to understand humility and virtue.  Although he is probably too young to understand those concepts right now, it is something we need to make sure and instill as soon as the time is right.  It really is the only way he can find happiness in this world, and we need to show him how much we love him by giving him those extremely valuable tools!  Spoiling our baby is certainly not going to be giving him glimpses of Heaven or giving him the tools to find happiness in this world or the next.  I guess my husband and I need to start praying now for the wisdom to find the balance between giving him the love and security that he needs without overly spoiling him or cripling him spiritually. 
     For now I think we will continue enjoying this precious little gift - our own little glimpse of Heaven.  We are going to continue letting him know how loved he is, how proud we are of him, and we will continue giving him the confidence that he needs.  Okay - we may need to change how we pray - maybe start facing the Crucifix that hangs next to our kitchen table when we pray instead of the baby.....  :-)  I'm sure (and I hope!) God, in His wisdom, will help us when the time comes by sending one of those natural virtue and character builders - a little brother or sister!

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