My Little Glimpses of Heaven

Saturday, April 9, 2011

High Horse

     Well, really my title should say that I'm not on a high horse.  My husband and baby may be in this picture (well - she's an average sized horse - not overly "high"), but I sure as heck am not.  I hope I don't sound like I'm on a soapbox either.
     What in the world am I talking about?  Well, as I was drinking my chocolate milk (yes, it's after midnight in the wee hours of Sunday), I started thinking - worrying really - that my blog posts were sounding a bit self righteous or preachy.  Did my post on charity sound - um - uncharitable?  I just wanted to clarify.  That is not at all how I am trying to sound, and believe me when I say that I don't think I'm perfect.  I've got a long way to go in this whole path to sanctity (ha - just ask my husband!), and as I type these posts I am really just collecting my thoughts and typing them out to remind myself more than anything else.  I know - yes, I am doing it for the world to see on the internet.  I do that because I always like to read similar posts in other people's blogs.  It's nice to see how other people are trying to better themselves and read their thoughts on similar issues.  My sister-in-law and I have conversations such as this for hours on end (usually in the middle of the night).  Anyway, since I'm sure that the vast majority of the "views" of my blog page are from people that know me personally, I hope you know me well enough to know that I would never think I have any right to look down on or preach to anyone else.  I would also love to hear other people's thoughts on the issues that I am typing about - I know that there are a lot of people who could teach me a thing or two (million) and I would love to hear it!  
     Ok - with that hopefully clarified, I am off to put the baby back to sleep.  Apparently he decided to wake up as I was typing this (and finishing my chocolate milk).  Good night!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. hey sweet lady, no one who really knows you would ever think you uncharitable, nor would they ever think you thought of yourself as "better than thou." i have not met many people with as giving a spirit as you, and pray that you find encouragement, peace and wisdom as God leads you for His Glory.

    miss you guys!!!

    Chisty Martinez (mom of Logan & Zack)
